Last Saturday, I assisted in the
Purpose Driven Photographer Workshop Singapore. The Singapore branch of the workshop is already in its 2nd Batch. I am so blessed to be part of the first batch. More than learning Photography and meeting different photographers from
Imagine Nation, I made new friends who shares the same passion. :D
The speaker for the session is
Carlo Cecilio, A master photographer from
Imagine Nation. The topic is about Composition and Posing.
I got to the classroom around 9:30AM, Stephen and Carlo are not yet there, but there are already a number of students inside, I went inside the room and introduce myself to everyone, I started walking around the room shaking one hand after another while trying to remember their names. Good thing later on they were given name tags and make the job of remembering their names easier. :D

The class started with Carlo giving an exercise for the students to take some shots without using their viewfinder and LCD screens. He had them cover their cameras viewfinder and LCD screens and asked to shoot anything they want outside. Carlo later explained that it is an exercise for the students to see with their mind and not just with their eyes.
The lecture then started with review of last weeks lesson which is Basic Photography. Basically the relationships between, Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO sensitivity, also reviewed is the setting the correct White Balance.

Carlo then proceed to the main topic which is Composition and Posing. It was sort of a review for me as Carlo go through the slides. After Composition we break for lunch. And then we continue with the study of the Purpose Driven life. This part is what makes the course special and unique. The workshop aims not just helping you become a good photographer but to be a better person as well. The workshop is also scheduled for 7 consecutive weekend which means that the student will have the time to bond with each other, have fun and develop friendship.
After PDL we continued with the lecture on Posing, Carlo give some posing do's and don't and show sample photos of how it should be done. The basic concern is making your subject comfortable in front of the camera, finding their best angle and not making them do something you are not willing to do yourself.

We then headed out to Esplanade area to practice their composition and posing techniques. Connie, one of my classmates in PDP SG Batch 1 agreed to help by becoming one of the models. we then met up with the other models Kevin and Shaz.
I know that the students had fun learning and shooting during the day and will have more fun in the sessions that will follow. Next week, they will be learning about Studio lighting and Strobist. :D
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