
15 September 2010

Gadgets: Nikon D7000 announced

I'm a gadget geek, I'm always excited when new gadgets are announced, specially if the announcement is coming from either Apple or Nikon (yeah I have a fanboy card :D). And I follow sites like Nikonrumors, Tuaw, and of course Engadget.

Nikon announced the D7000 today. It has been rumored for a long time now and it seems that Nikonrumors got everything correct. its supposed to be the replacement for the midrange DX format Nikon D90. The D90 was a great camera.It was the first DSLR to have HD video recording capability. It has 12 MP, a good ISO range usable even up to ISO 3200 at times. Decent 4.5 FPS frame rate, 720p HD video recording, flash commander mode, Good autofocus with 11 AF Points. It's so good that it took Nikon more than 2 years before replacing it.

The D7000 takes it to a new level with 16 MP, ISO range up to 6400 (max is 25,600), 100% viewfinder, 6 FPS, Double Memory Card Slot, 1080p HD Video Recording, 39 AF Point System, and Magnesium Alloy body.

Though the D7000 is a great camera, I don’t think that I will be upgrading from my D90 because it's still in the DX format. For me the upgrade path is to move to FX format which will give the FX look that I want and because I'm after still photos and not video recording.

If you're after the video recording capability, that’s a different story as the D7000 claims to have an improved autofocus on Video Recording mode. Plus it can now record in 1080p versus the 720p from the D90. The D7000 is expected to be in the price range of 1,700 SGD.

Together with the D7000 announcement are two new prime lenses: The AFS 35mm 1.4 G and the AFS 200mm G VR II and a new Speedlight SB700 (which replaces the SB600) with Master function that enables it to control 2 remote groups of flashes.

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