
10 January 2011

Whats Coming?

I have stopped uploading photos for a while in this blogsite planning to do revamp as well as trying to use Facebook as my gallery as Facebook makes it easier to share photos and tag people. the thing is the Facebook do a compression on the photo that results in quality degradation and not really a good place to showcase photographs. not sure how others do it that their photo is not degraded.. So I have decided to continue showcasing the photos here instead. :)

While Im in the middle of redesigning this blogsite, selecting template and color scheme. I just want to share some preview from previous shoots that I will be blogging about soon. I feel very blessed to shoot these couples as we really had a good time during the shoots and found new friends in them.

btw, I hibernated during the New Year (first few days) and I know it's late but still, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Heres to an awesome 2011! :D

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Vin! Looking forward to read more posts here. :) Thanks for the photos.
